Option to set Most Recent as default feed (#1 reason I use it over the official Facebook app)
UI color options
Messenger included in same app
Blocks ads
Often closes or crashes when leaving app even just for a few seconds (especially annoying if you were far down your feed or following an outside link an article)
Notifications are often delayed and/or inconsistent
Turning off notifications for a Group post does not work (but this could be a Facebook issue and not a Friendly one?)
Photo and video uploading is extremely buggy and unreliable
Often freezes and wont load anything, with no hint as to what the error is
Ive been using Friendly for a year or two now, but Im starting to consider trying the official app again until Friendly improves. Manually changing over to Most Recent every time I open the official app seems like less of a hassle than dealing with all the myriad quirks of Friendly.
kittylugnut about Friendly Social Browser